About CBD

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of over a hundred compounds currently identified in Cannabis. It provides several therapeutic benefits such as relieving inflammation, and easing pain, stress, nausea and more. CBD is natural, safe and non-intoxicating (it will not get you high). It is a reliable remedy that can be used on a daily basis with no risk of side effects or dependency.

CBD acts with the body’s natural endocannabinoid system by binding to our existing cannabinoid receptors. This function promotes the healthy function of  processes such as pain sensation, mood, sleep and appetite. As such it can be commonly used to promote health function, relieve situational ailments, or even improve symptoms of more serious illnesses such as depression, Crohn’s Disease, Epilepsy, and symptoms of Cancer treatment.

Pain Relief

Eases inflammation, headaches, muscle spasms, symptoms of arthritis, and also promotes workout recovery.

Anxiety and Stress Relief

CBD naturally aids receptors in your brain. It’s commonly used to treat symptoms of depression, social anxiety or daily stress.


Treats a range of inflammatory issues such as headaches, pain, swelling, digestive ailments and muscle healing.

Pain Relief

Eases inflammation, headaches, muscle spasms, symptoms of arthritis, and also promotes workout recovery.

Muscle Recovery

CBD shortens recovery time associated with strenuous activity. It’s commonly used in post workout healing.

Mental Clarity and Focus

CBD has been known to improve cognitive function, as well as relieve symptoms of hyperactivity and attention disorders.